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Christians Against Poverty

CAP’s holistic debt counselling service is run in partnership with hundreds of churches throughout the UK and provides the best debt help service to those with the very least. CAP started running CAP Money Courses in partnership with local churches to help people budget, save and prevent debt, and now offers Job Clubs to help people back into employment. The free, one-of-a-kind debt counselling service works with each unique client to create a budget that prioritizes food and rent, negotiate with creditors and establish a long-term repayment plan—so that people become completely debt free.

Paul Larcombe is CAP's Centre Manager in Weston super Mare. He can be contacted on 07563 880577 or

Street Pastors

A major outreach by the church in Weston-super-Mare out on the streets at night, around the clubs and bars caring, listening and helping young people who are vulnerable; working alongside the police, door staff and other agencies.


Please contact...

Ian Roberts 


Under the guidance of the Ascension Trust
In association with the churches in Weston super Mare


Weston Street Pastors have signed up to Amazon Smile and Give As You Live which are two ways of raising money for the Weston Street Pastors. You can shop online at and search for "Street Pastors Weston super Mare Charitable Trust".


This provides emergency food for local people in crisis. Foodbanks help prevent crime, housing loss, family breakdown and mental health problems. A simple box of food makes a big difference. In 2016-17 foodbanks gave 1,182,954 three day emergency food supplies to people in crisis.
click here for a list of accepted items.

Weston-super-Mare Foodbank

North Street

BS23 1RU

Tel: 01934 708906

Renew 193

Renew 193 is a joint project run by Clarence Park Baptist Church, Milton Baptist Church and Worle Baptist Church. Together with the charity Renew Wellbeing (, we have created a quiet, shared space in Worle High Street where it is ok to not be ok.


Are you feeling low? Anxious? Lonely? Isolated? Do you want to improve your wellbeing and mental health? Come along, slow down or bring and share a hobby if you wish. Craft resources/activities are available and free.

You are welcome to relax and enjoy peace in our quiet/ prayer space. Pop in or come along for the whole 2 hours. Always a kind welcome, a good cuppa and someone to listen.


Monday 10am-12noon

Tuesday 10am- 12noon & 2-4pm

Wednesday 10am-12noon & 2-4pm

Thursday 2-4pm

Closed on bank holidays

193 High St, Worle, Weston-Super-Mare BS22 6JS


For more information email: or visit our facebook page:


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MBC Toddlers is a group aimed at children from birth to pre-school age. There are lots of toys to play with and it’s a great chance to meet other carers and make new friends. The sessions are very informal but always finish with a time when we all come together for story/singing/or parachute play.


We meet for 2 groups every Wednesday morning 9:15am-10:45am & 11:00am- 12:30pm term time only and the cost is £1.50 per family. This includes refreshments for children and adults. We aim to provide a very warm welcome to everyone!


If you have any questions feel free to email  or you can phone/text on 07827811402. You can also check out the church website on and our toddler group Facebook page:

Wooden Cars
Home Groups

God created us to be in community with one another. Genesis 2:18 states: "It is not good for man to be alone."

Home Groups are an opportunity to study faith issues, to develop spiritually and to grow in fellowship with other believers.

If you would like to join a home group please complete the form available in the church office.  For further info please contact Steve Wotton via the office

Cake and Crafting

Cake and crafting is a monthly group open to anyone who

loves to be creative. Bring along whatever project you 

are working on, knitting, cross stitch, art, crochet, sewing- anything!

Meet new 'crafty' people. Share hints and tips, learn new skills and have fun while enjoying tea and cake!

10am- 12noon.

Children are very welcome to join us but we do not provide any activities.

For more information please ring 01934 641574 or email

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